Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Abducted Man


  1. When I look at this GIF I see a sidewalk and then a beam of light and a man being abducted. This makes me feel playful and entertained. When I close my eyes I see the man being beamed up. I really think this is a fantastic GIF! :)

  2. When I look at this GIF I see the man falling and the beam of light. What catches my eye is the way the beaming light turns off and on and the body drops. It makes me feel a bit scared and entertained as well. Kind of reminds me of the cartoon Southpark and an episode where Kenny gets kidnapped and abducted. It's a very comical GIF and makes me wonder where is the dead guys falling from or being thrown from. When I look away I remember the falling man.

  3. This gif. reminded me of the show Mr. Bean during its intro. My eyes goes directly to the beaming light. Watching this gif makes me reminisce the times I watched Mr. Bean with my family. Good times! When I close my eyes, the beam of light is what I remember the most.
