Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The Abducted Man


  1. I really enjoyed watching this Gif. It appears to be on a city street, in front of a apartment building possibly. A light shines down and the man is just swept right up (or being placed down). It reminds me of some weird alien scenario of a spaceship abducting people from earth. It makes me feel confused and curious to understand what is exactly happening. When I look away, I remember the light being flashed down on the sidewalk just before the man comes back down.

  2. I adore the humor of this .gif. The image of a man lying on the sidewalk and then rising up - and then being rejected from the light is both humorous and a bit sad. The humor comes from the idea of alien culture, considering all the films with aliens abducting (as you suggest in the title) people. I can imagine the aliens from "The Simpsons" plucking this man off the ground then being critical over him and promptly returning him. This rejection is also quite sad in consideration of the truth of the homeless within the city. There is a sense of them being rejected from society, and this might be reflected in a rejection from a higher place. This calls upon an important issue of acceptance that is much ignored today.
